
The Montgomery Mindset on the War On Terror.....

In a word...Sad.

I just went to the Montgomery Advertiser's website, and they have a new online poll up.
It asks the question:
"Which is more important to the War on Terror?"
A. The capture of Saddam Hussein
B. Finding weapons of mass destruction.

Of course, I voted "finding weapons of mass destruction." After all, that was the main reason we went over there....or at least that's what the Bush administration would have us believe. They don't seem to like the insinuation that oil and Bush's oil buddies at Halliburton had more reasons to go to war.

Speaking of WMD's, where are they? We've found empty cannisters and cylinders and other items that possibly could be used for weapons, but still no actual proof of weapons.

As of 1:43 am CST, that poll on the Montgomery Advertiser's web site had over 60% of the votes saying that capturing Saddam Hussein was more important than finding weapons of mass destruction. Why? OK, Saddam was a horrible person. He killed so many people that we'll probably never know the exact numbers, but when it comes to the War on Terror, what exactly can he do without those WMD's that everyone was talking about.

Presidential Candidate update:

Today, Democratic Presidential Candidate Howard Dean made a bold statement about the capture of Saddam. He said that America is no safer now than before his capture. We know that our troops are not safer. The day of his capture there were two suicide bombings in Baghdad. How many American troops are going to die before we let the free Iraqi's rule their own country?

Dean has been against the war from the beginning. He said that he is glad Saddam is out of power. The Iraqi people are safer now, but the safety of Americans remains unchanged by this situation.

More info:
Montgomery Advertiser: poll and Saddam coverage
Howard Dean for America


Saddam says, "A picture is worth a thousand words"

If you do not know by now, Saddam Hussein has officially been captured by US troops. A huge victory for the Bush administration, we now have in our custody the man who did not attack America on 9/11. Now if Bush could just find that pesky Osama guy (spelled Usama if you're watching Fox News Channel).

In the weeks before the war began, as you probably recall, there were many countries against our persistence to start a war. The country that stood out the most in its opposition was France. Of couse, many members of the "liberal media" - like Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity, turned against France through harsh words and boycotts. (On a sidenote: I find it interesting and a bit humorous that so many people call the media "liberal" when the most famous news personalities are conservative Bush-supporting Republicans - Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage, Michael Reagan, Ann Coulter, Laura Ingraham, Neil Cavuto, etc.)

Many people wondered why France was so adamant in its opposition to war. Then I began seeing this picture popping up in many news sources and all over the internet:
Click Here To See Pic
It's a picture of French President Jacques Chirac standing with Saddam Hussein and two scientists...and it was taken some time in the 1970's. Hey, a picture of them together in the 70's must mean that they have very strong ties in 2003. Yeah, OK.

If that's the case, then you might find this picture interesting. The "liberal media" didn't make this picture quite as popular:
Click Here To See Pic
There, you see Donald Rumsfeld shaking hands with Saddam Hussein. Note that this picture was taken in December of 1983, close to a decade after the infamous Saddam/Chirac picture.

Here is a picture from the web site whitehouse.org that is a humorous, a better word would probably be satirical, explanation of Saddam's biological and chemical weapons:
Click Here To See Pic
Yes, Saddam Hussein had chemical and biological weapons....and the United States has known about this for many, many years - long before this war.

How does the US know he had these biological and chemical agents?
Because we sold them to him

The United States has a long history of dealings with Saddam Hussein, and there have been many US corporations who have sold chemical and biological agents to Saddam with full US government approval. The US even continued its dealings with Saddam after he gassed his own people...although Sean Hannity thinks we went to war to free 50 million people....yeah, cause that's just what we do, huh?

Want more information?
Read here for facts and links to other sources
Here is a list of American companies who helped Saddam
US had key role in Iraq buildup


What Moore do you want?

Dear Former Chief Justice Roy Moore,

You are the former chief justice for one reason: you deliberately disobeyed a federal court order. That's it. You did not lose your job because you believe in the ten commandments. You did not lose your job because you acknowledge God.

While many people see you as a great man who stands for his beliefs, there are those of us who see you as a man who loves publicity. That's all. You want to further advance your political career, so you rely on the press to get your name out to the public.

You and your followers spread your propoganda to the masses, making Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, and all of Fox News repeat the same mantra about the secularization of America. America, according to the Constitution, cannot establish a religion - so therefore America is a secular country. I know you disagree because you stand firm on your belief that America was founded on Judeo-Christian values.

Read your history books - the people who first came to this country came to have the freedom of religion. They were sick of having to follow the rules of the Church of England. So they came to America for freedom, and then many explorers and settlers came to the country in the spirit of exploration and religion. With these new settlers came diseases, and violence, and bloodshed, and death to the natives of this land. The "Indians" became slaves in many cases, and were slaughtered because they were considered "savages".

Slaughtering innocent people because you disagree with their way of life? Is this one of our Judeo-Christian values?

More Info:
Moore's fight to keep the job he chose to lose