
Darkness and Silence: In Just Two Weeks

Air America Radio has been silenced in two of its biggest markets - in only two weeks of broadcasting.

This is very disappointing to many people, including myself (not that I can pick up the station in my car anyway). It's disappointing that an alternative voice has been silenced. Listen to talk radio (that is, if you can stomach the hatred spewed by most of the hosts). The vast majority of talk radio is hosted by ultra-rightwing conservatives who speak the same rhetoric on a daily basis. It's rather sad much of the time.

Sean Hannity arguing points that are pointless. For example, he argued recently that if a catastrophe happened in the next few years involving weapons of mass destruction, and those weapons were linked back to Saddam, and we had never gone into Iraq....do I really need to go on? Or are "what if" situations OK to use as an excuse for war?

Laura Ingraham, Ms. "Shut up and sing" herself, always talking about Hollywood's "elites", which are usually anyone who's ever been in a movie (or even musicians) and disagrees with her.

Glenn Beck spending close to 45 minutes talking about how you should not buy Michael Moore's "Dude, Where's My Country", which, coincidentally, sold a helluva lot more copies than his book, "The Real America."

Bill O'Reilly - Mr. "Independent" but almost always on the conservative side. The crusader in the social war against "secularism". Fair and Balanced?

Rush Limbaugh - not too much to say here. Even most conservatives think of him as a "big, fat idiot".

Now let's play a game:

Name at least 3 radio hosts who are considered "liberal".

I know of one, and there may be more, but if there are, I sure can't think of any except for Alan Colmes...and here's something I'm sure many people in Montgomery, AL did not know........

Alan Colmes' radio show is on the air - in Montgomery, AL.

Yes, amazingly, there is a liberal on the radio - even though he's on at 9pm, he's on the radio in Montgomery, AL. I'm surprised there hasn't been some kind of revolt against the station that carries him.

Until Air America radio gets this dispute settled in Chicago and L.A., (and until they are carried in more markets) you can still listen to them on their website: http://www.airamericaradio.com/. Be sure to check out the O'Franken Factor, as well as all the other great programming on there.

...and be sure to check out Alan Colmes on AM 1170 at 9pm in Montgomery, AL.

More info:
Air America Radio
Liberal Radio Goes Dark