
George Clooney calls out Bill O' in an interview

This is from the December 18 issue of Newsweek. It is an interview with George Clooney conducted by Nicki Gostin.

Gostin: You just went to Darfur. Do you worry about the people like Bill O'Reilly making fun of you?

Clooney: Until O'Reilly sticks his neck out and goes where people are shooting, then I'm not going to worry. If you're going to be famous and have cameras follow you around, you might as well go where the cameras will do some good.


Look who else is making money off the fictitious War on Christmas

And in other 'War on Christmas' new....

Most of us already know that the only people making money off the fictitious War on Christmas are Bill O'LIE-ly and Jon Gibson, both of which are on the Fox News Channel (I know, shocking!).

Well, it's time to add another to the list, however, this time, it is an entire web site. The online home of writings by such individuals as Chuck Norris, Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin and "Judge Mental" Roy Moore - World Net Daily.

Yes, www.WorldNetDaily.com has introduced their "ultimate line of magnetic bumper stickers," saying such things as "This is America and I'm going to say it: Merry Christmas."

Oh, but wait, there's more. Call now and you can also get "Merry Christmas: An American Tradition" (and yes, the word "Christ" is in red). And as a special bonus, World Net Daily is also offering, "It is Still a Wonderful Life. Merry Christmas."

So when the pimple-faced teenager making minimum wage at your local big box department store is ringing up your decorations, Natural Light Beer, twinkies and "Girls Gone Wild" DVD and has the gall to tell you "Happy Holidays," feel free to begin foaming at the mouth, and scream in the loudest I-want-the-baby-Jesus-to-hear-this-way-the-hell-up-in-heaven voice, "It's fuckin' Christmas, you bastard! Jesus loves you and you would know that if you had a magnetic bumper sticker from World Net Daily!"

So remember the real reason for the season - sales. So be sure to visit Bill O'LIE-ly's Christmas store online, buy Jon Gibson's book "The War on Christmas" (newly in paperback), and get your magnetic bumper sticker from World Net Daily.


Judge Roy Moore should not be called "Judge"

Yeah, you know him - Roy Moore, the "Ten Commandments Judge." Not the "Upstanding and Fair Judge." Not the "Level-headed and Constitutional Judge." Oh, no, he's the Religion Judge.
And this religious zealot wants his theocracy, and he wants it now!

Moore wrote an article for the bastion of fairness (if you are an extreme, right-wing, religious zealot) World Net Daily. (He contributes along with other big names like Chuck Norris.) His article has the title, "Muslim Ellison should not sit in Congress."

(In a sidenote, the people of Alabama, during the Republican primaries, said, "Christian Moore should not sit in the Governor's office.")

Moore's article talks about the newly-elected Keith Ellison of Minnesota, a Muslim who will soon serve in the US Congress. Ellison has said that he wants to take his oath on the Qu'ran instead of the Bible, and Moore (and others) are freaking out. A Muslim would rather take an oath on a book that he holds sacred and dear than a book Moore holds sacred and dear? Imagine that!

Moore talks about George Washington taking the oath to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. So help me God." And of course, Moore goes on to say that this began "a long tradition...of acknowledging the Judeo-Christian God as the source of our law and liberty." Unfortunately for Moore, history has shown most of our founding fathers to be Deists and Freemasons, not Christians, and especially not religious zealots.

The article goes on to say that "The Islamic faith rejects our God..." To make his point, Moore uses Jaafar Sheikh Idris, the founder and chairman of American Open University, which Moore describes as "a radical Islamic school that has received funding from suspected al-Qaida sources and which supports Islamic law." According to Moore, Idris says, "Islam cannot be separated from the state." Moore goes on to paraphrase Idris as saying "that no Muslim elected to Congress or the White House can swear to uphold the United States Constitution and still be a Muslim, because the law of Allah as expressed in the Quran is supreme."

Now why does this sound familiar? I'll explain.

Moore uses an example that he claims runs a "radical" Islamic school to "prove" that all Muslims cannot uphold the Constitution because they believe that the laws of Allah are supreme.

One could argue, as I will do now, that Moore is no different from Idris. Moore cannot uphold the United States Constitution because he believes that the laws of God (his God, to be specific) are supreme. After all, isn't that why he is no longer a judge?

Now allow me to take Moore's radical beliefs and apply them to all who wear the name "Christian." By this logic, Christians should not be allowed in government because they believe the laws of their God are supreme - not the Constitution.

If you thought Moore was only going to question Ellison's patriotism, you would be wrong, as Moore goes on to say, "Perhaps Ellison is confused about what he believes, or else has another agenda." At that point, Moore continues to use his Idris example to confirm his own prejudice.

And just when you thought that Moore's insane rant was over, he goes on to slander Ellison even more, saying, "But common sense alone dictates that in the midst of a war with Islamic terrorists we should not place someone in a position of great power who shares their doctrine."
You see?! Moore just said that Ellison identifies with the terrorists! That he is a terrorist sympathizer.

Roy Moore loves to talk about God, government and the Bible, but he has yet to show a Biblical passage that shows Jesus demonizing and slandering people. Moore should be ashamed, and he owes Congressman Ellison an apology.

more info:
WND: Muslim Ellison should not sit in Congress


On the radio......Thanks WAUD 1230 am

Today, I had the opportunity to be a guest host on "Inside Auburn," hosted by Lane Powell on WAUD 1230 am in Auburn.

It went well. We got to talk about subjects ranging from the City of Montgomery's 2007 budget to David Duke defending "freedom of speech" in Iran to the fictional War on Christmas.

Lane's got a great show, so if you are in the Auburn area, tune in to the station at noon. Here is a link to the show: WAUD 1230 am "Inside Auburn" with Lane Powell.

Democrats, '08, Oscars, Christmas and another Ted Haggard...and it's not even 9am yet.

Lots of stuff this morning.......

Will Al Gore get an Oscar?

Al Gore is back in the news this week. While some people think he may be gearing up for an '08 presidential bid, the former vice president and winner of the 2000 popular vote is in, what the Associated Press calls, a "fierce campaign for recognition and an Oscar statuette for his global warming documentary" - An Inconvenient Truth.

Gore has said that he is not planning to run for president again, but he also said he has not ruled it out.

Dennis Kucinich is back - and married.

Dennis Kucinich will announce his bid for the presidency today. Apparently, in his last presidential bid, he made more headlines about his bachelorhood than his policies, but that will be different this time as he is married.

Kucinich was one of the earliest anti-war Senators - even before the rest of the country caught on.

If you get offended by 'Happy Holidays,' read this editorial...

An editorial in USA Today titled, "Christmas, pagans and religious divergence," is well worth the read. For the fighters of the fictional War on Christmas (read more about the Battle of Montgomery here), it shows how your holiday has become nothing more than consumerism, and the 'secular' symbols of the holiday - the evergreen tree, wreath, yule log, mistletoe, lights and candles, etc - are PAGAN. That's right, pagan. As other cultures in pre-Christian Europe were celebrating the Saturnalia, Christians at that time were telling their congregations not to get involved in these pagan celebrations....until Christians decided they wanted to have fun at the end of the year as well.

And last, but not least, it's Ted Haggard, part deaux.

Founding pastor of the 2,100 member Grace Chapel - Paul Barnes - has resigned; this following his confession that he participated in homosexual relations. The 54-year-old ex-pastor said he "struggled with homosexuality" since he was 5 years old.

Of course, we must give some credit to Haggard and Barnes...unlike the Catholics, their "significant others" were of legal age....and they actually stepped down from their posts.

more info:
AP: Gore chases Oscar nod
AP: Democrat Kucinich to launch 2008 bid
USA Today: Christmas, pagans and religious divergence
Christianity Today: Dismay as US Evangelical Leader Confesses to Gay Relationship


What do Iran and David Duke have in common?

Answer: They both deny the Holocaust.

Iran is holding a Holocaust Deniers Conference, and America's own ex-KKK (but I'm sure he still shows them some love) member, David Duke, made an appearance, telling the media that he was a "Holocaust questioner," and that he was there "to defend freedom of speech."

First of all, how can you defend "freedom of speech" in a country that does not have anything close to the First Amendment? Can you really have "freedom of speech" in a country where half the population (the female part) has to walk around with their faces covered?

So beyond Duke's apparent stupidity about Iran's imaginary "freedoms" that he is defending, he also questions whether the Holocaust actually occurred.

On a more local note, I'm sure Larry Darby's invitation to the conference was lost in the mail.

More info:
Ex-Klan Chief At Holocaust Conference


A 5-4 vote becomes a 4-5 vote for Montgomery's budget...and bye, bye Bolton

So the news is in:

The City of Montgomery will have to go back to the drawing board for their budget. In a surprise "change of mind" by city council member Tim Head, the expected passage of the 2007 budget WITH discretionary funds has failed.

Head originally voted for the budget. The mayor, Bobby Bright, vetoed the budget - which he had already promised he would do. The city council said they could override the veto with another 5-4 vote, and swing-vote Tim Head changed all that to the surprise of most of the city council.

Of course, in Alabama, everything has to do with race, so the city council has officially divided on the budget issue by race. The blacks voting for it, the whites voting against it. And this is the news in Montgomery, not to anyone's surprise.

In other news, after the departures of Donald Rumsfeld, John Giles, Twinkle Andress Cavanaugh and Ken Mehlman, the newest person to resign is our United Nations representative John Bolton.

If you remember, his vote was stalled in the Senate, so El Presidente Dubya threw Bolton into the job by a recess appointment....but alas, you don't get a second chance on that, so Bolton, who saw the election results and knew his fate was not to keep that job, decided to resign.

So, farewell ye, Bolton. You may now go back to publicly trashing the U.N. without having to worry about the effects on your job.


New stuff at the Capital City Free Press

First, my new column is posted. The title is, "So Now What?"

Here's an excerpt:

"Your senator is your senator, whether your vote assisted the win or not. It is our job to make sure our leaders understand that they represent us. Once the election is over, it is a time to come together and make some necessary changes."

Read the entire article here.

Also, the new article about the 'War on Christmas' and more specifically, the Battle of Montgomery, is also up.


"Private Jon Gibson was promoted to colonel because of his bravery in the first battle. A journalist on the front-lines of the Fox News Channel, his promotion came after the release of his book, 'The War on Christmas: How the Liberal Plot to Ban the Sacred Christian Holiday is Worse Than You Thought.'"

Read the entire article here.