
What do Iran and David Duke have in common?

Answer: They both deny the Holocaust.

Iran is holding a Holocaust Deniers Conference, and America's own ex-KKK (but I'm sure he still shows them some love) member, David Duke, made an appearance, telling the media that he was a "Holocaust questioner," and that he was there "to defend freedom of speech."

First of all, how can you defend "freedom of speech" in a country that does not have anything close to the First Amendment? Can you really have "freedom of speech" in a country where half the population (the female part) has to walk around with their faces covered?

So beyond Duke's apparent stupidity about Iran's imaginary "freedoms" that he is defending, he also questions whether the Holocaust actually occurred.

On a more local note, I'm sure Larry Darby's invitation to the conference was lost in the mail.

More info:
Ex-Klan Chief At Holocaust Conference

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