
Democrats, '08, Oscars, Christmas and another Ted Haggard...and it's not even 9am yet.

Lots of stuff this morning.......

Will Al Gore get an Oscar?

Al Gore is back in the news this week. While some people think he may be gearing up for an '08 presidential bid, the former vice president and winner of the 2000 popular vote is in, what the Associated Press calls, a "fierce campaign for recognition and an Oscar statuette for his global warming documentary" - An Inconvenient Truth.

Gore has said that he is not planning to run for president again, but he also said he has not ruled it out.

Dennis Kucinich is back - and married.

Dennis Kucinich will announce his bid for the presidency today. Apparently, in his last presidential bid, he made more headlines about his bachelorhood than his policies, but that will be different this time as he is married.

Kucinich was one of the earliest anti-war Senators - even before the rest of the country caught on.

If you get offended by 'Happy Holidays,' read this editorial...

An editorial in USA Today titled, "Christmas, pagans and religious divergence," is well worth the read. For the fighters of the fictional War on Christmas (read more about the Battle of Montgomery here), it shows how your holiday has become nothing more than consumerism, and the 'secular' symbols of the holiday - the evergreen tree, wreath, yule log, mistletoe, lights and candles, etc - are PAGAN. That's right, pagan. As other cultures in pre-Christian Europe were celebrating the Saturnalia, Christians at that time were telling their congregations not to get involved in these pagan celebrations....until Christians decided they wanted to have fun at the end of the year as well.

And last, but not least, it's Ted Haggard, part deaux.

Founding pastor of the 2,100 member Grace Chapel - Paul Barnes - has resigned; this following his confession that he participated in homosexual relations. The 54-year-old ex-pastor said he "struggled with homosexuality" since he was 5 years old.

Of course, we must give some credit to Haggard and Barnes...unlike the Catholics, their "significant others" were of legal age....and they actually stepped down from their posts.

more info:
AP: Gore chases Oscar nod
AP: Democrat Kucinich to launch 2008 bid
USA Today: Christmas, pagans and religious divergence
Christianity Today: Dismay as US Evangelical Leader Confesses to Gay Relationship

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