
9/11 Widows Endorse John Kerry

A group of widows and one woman injured on 9/11 have officially endorsed John Kerry for President.

They cite many reasons, including the Bush administration's many fights with the 9/11 Commission on issues of funding, and time. They also cite the Bush administration's fight against the formation of a 9/11 Commission.

They are angry that the President has tied 9/11 in to attempt to justify a war in Iraq, especially while Osama bin Laden, terror suspect #1, is still running free.

But as we saw President Bush say in regards to the capture of bin Laden, "I just don't spend that much time on it, to be honest."

So, our President is not concerned with capturing the man who orchestrated the murder of 3,000 Americans? Oh well, at least he got Saddam, because as Bush said, "After all, this is a guy who tried to kill my dad at one time." Yes, Mr. Bush, you now have your revenge, and who knew that all it would cost would be the lives of 1,000 brave Americans?

more info:
9/11 Widows Group to Endorse Kerry
Bush not worried about bin Laden
"[Saddam] tried to kill my dad"
John Kerry for President

New York City Fined during the Republican National Convention

From Newsweek (September 13, 2004 issue):

"As many as 500,000 people packed New York City's streets to protest the president and his policies days before he arrived.

"By the weekend, police had arrested more than 1,800 demonstrators, many of whom were jailed for well over 30 hours.

"Hundreds were set free by late Thursday night, after a judge held the city in contempt and fined it $1,000 per protester."

To the unnamed judge mentioned in the article, we Americans thank you for upholding our First Amendment right of free speech, and our right to assemble ourselves and petition...

And thanks for fining the city that tried to take those rights away - that is what is known as the icing on the cake.


An Open Letter to Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions

Dear Senator Sessions,

I recently started reading about the Innocence Protection Act, an act that, from what I understand, will require DNA testing and provide adequate council for people accused of capital crimes. The Act's sponsors included many Republicans, Democrats, and Independents in both the House and the Senate.

It has already passed in the House, but I read that you, and our former Attorney General Bill Pryor, do not support this Act. Is it that you think our justice system is working fine?

I read this quote from Bill Pryor: "If your concern is to protect the innocent from being executed, then you need not worry; it is not occurring and is highly unlikely to occur."

So is it not true that at least 96 people have been set free from death rows around the country since the death penalty was reinstated in 1976?

Then I read that you think this Act would curtail state control of its criminal justice system and give anti-death penalty activists a greater role in appointing lawyers than sitting judges, and raise the standards for a lawyer's competency to unattainable levels.

Are you still against the Innocense Protection Act? Do you care that there is a possibility that innocent people could be on death row in your own state? Why should we not be a more responsible society and really prove beyond a "shadow of a doubt" that someone is guilty before we sentence them to die?

DNA testing would help. So would appointing competent lawyers.

I sincerely hope that you will change your mind and support this Act.

-Josh Carples

more info:
Contact Senator Jeff Sessions
Innocence Protection Act


Swift Boat Vets for What?!

Be sure to visit the Capital City Free Press for the September issue, featuring my new article, "Swift Boat Vets for What?!".

"If you haven't heard all the back and forth "bomb throwing" (a term Bill O'Reilly loves to use when talking about Michael Moore, and anyone who disagrees with his whole "I'm here for the folks" charade) between the John Kerry and George W. Bush campaigns mixed up in the whole Swift Boat Veterans for "Truth" mess, then please change the channel away from MTV once in a while (at least give yourself time to read the ticker at the bottom of CNN - then you can finish watching that Britney Spears video on mute)...."

Read more at the Free Press