
Fox Boss Gets It Wrong.....and Rush Proves Al Franken Right - He is a Big Fat Idiot

Just some highlights of the week......

While reading last week's issue of Newsweek, it mentioned the "Conventional Wisdom" section that has been around for over seventeen years. It's commonly called "CW."
Well...recently, Roger Ailes, head of the Fox "News" Channel and the guy who Bill O'Reilly dedicated "Who's Looking Out For You?" to, got on C-Span and outright lied about Newsweek's CW section. (Now, in Ailes' defense, he probably did get his "facts" from Fox "News.") Ailes said that despite George W. Bush's re-election, he "has never gotten an up arrow" in the CW.

Do not let the facts get in your way, Mr. Ailes. Pay no attention to the 7 Up arrows or the 10 Sideways arrows that appeared in CW since the re-election. You take that 1 solitary down arrow, and you make it seem like that's the only arrow that ever existed. You do that without checking the facts, cause, dammit, those facts just might get in the way of your ideology and the point you're trying to make. Oh I know how much you hate it when facts get in your way like a rubber-necker at a fatal car accident, when you are stuck behind him screaming, "Go, you sorry bastard...Hannity's about to come on!!!" You must fight the truth, Mr. Ailes. May the Fox be with you.

In another note...Rush Limbaugh had this delightful quote regarding Al Gore's new television network that was created for young viewers: "What the hell is that, Al? What the hell is the point of view of young people? They're out getting oral sex all day long, that's what they're talking about."

After making this statement, there was a long pause, followed by some ruffling magazine pages, then a "I wish I were young again...er...uh...we'll be right back, folks after a word from our sponsors."

Luckily, if young people are out getting oral sex all day, we can rejoice in the fact that they are not being influenced by Rush-the-rambling-idiot on the radio.

On a lighter note, here is a quote from an Iraqi film called "The Dreams of Sparrows." The quote is from an interview with a drunk in the street, bottle in hand, "In the past, I couldn't drink in street. Now I can. I am free thanks to George Bush."

Upon hearing this quote, Bush got all teary-eyed, thinking back to the days when he would do keg stands in the frat house, grab his cup o' beer, smoke a joint and go into the street and party....."Memories," says Bush, "That's what I'm bringing to the rest of the world. Memories."

more info:
Newsweek: From the Editor's Desk - April 25
Limbaugh..sad, sad man.


...more on Tom DeLay...

Just to point out exactly how sad Tom DeLay is, I thought it would be fun to show that his fellow Republicans have even started questioning him.

CBS News reported that former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said that it was time for DeLay to stop blaming a left-wing conspiracy for his ethics problems. Gingrich encouraged DeLay to lay out his case for the American people.

DeLay has been blaming George Soros and MoveOn.org for his troubles. In the Chicago Tribune, it was reported that he encouraged Senators to answer questions by saying, "Tell them that this is all a plot and the Democrats are out to get me."

Gingrich went on to say, "DeLay's problem isn’t with the Democrats; DeLay's problem is with the country..."

See, it's so much easier to blame everyone else for your own shortcomings. Way to be a leader and a great example, Tom.

Ps - If I screw up, it's not me, it's Tom DeLay.

more info:
House leader DeLay appeals for GOP senators' support
Gingrich Criticizes DeLay

Someone please fire Tom Delay

How many scandals can someone be involved in? If House Majority Leader Tom DeLay spent half as much time doing something good for the country that he spends being…well…unethical, he might actually be an OK guy; but alas, that would not be the Tom DeLay we have come to know.

Just for starters, let’s get some ground rules. The Rules of the U.S. House of Representatives on Gifts and Travel state that "a Member, officer or employee may not accept travel expenses from 'a registered lobbyist or agent of a foreign principal.'"

This situation goes back all the way to 1997 (see how long his ethics have been absent?) and explains what Tom DeLay was doing on that trip to Russia that was funded by money from Russian oil lobbyists. Oops.

And if that didn’t catch enough attention, there was the more than $500,000 that he paid to his wife and daughter from his national political action committee, AMPAC. His daughter was lucky enough to also get over $3,500 per month since 2003 from AMPAC, and a whopping $222,000 in fees (for her consulting firm) from his House campaign committees.

If that’s not enough, add to it the accusations that he laundered some corporate money that was used to rig congressional election districts to enhance his power in a way that Enzyte could never do; metaphorically (and who knows? Possibly literally) prostituting himself for legislative favors, bribing other Congressmen (not that we’re surprised at that one), and getting rid of the Republican chairman of the ethics committee who, according to author Jim Hightower, “had the audacity to reprimand him three times in the past year.”

So what does Tom DeLay do to try to get away from the media’s focus on his unethical behavior? Be the poster boy for the Terry Schiavo case. That’s right, Mr. Unethical became the mouthpiece for an overreaching Congress and the religious right, trying to place the focus on the “culture of life” rather than a culture of ethics (or lack, thereof), adding to this his veiled threats of liberal, activist judges (which he just now apologized for.)

All this and DeLay’s response is that the media are out to get him. Classic.

more info:
Alternet: Hammer Nailed
Alternet: "Whimpering Tom" DeLay
DeLay's Apology (USA Today)


The Campaign has already begun - at the Free Press

My new article, "The Campaign has already begun" is now online at the Capital City Free Press.

What better way to start out April Fool's Day by talking about Newsmax.com and some lies that they started...which are now being forwarded to people through email...

"Some outlets, like Newsmax.com, (a company that should take the word “news” out of their name to protect the integrity of journalism) twist and pervert the truth into stories, or outright lies, that they can use to further their own political agendas.

"To journalists, truth should be paramount. Sensationalists who pose as journalists, however, have no regard for truth, unless it fits into their agendas. And what’s the easiest way these days to spread lies about your political enemies? Forwarding lies through email messages..."

Read the entire article here.

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