
The War on Christmas: The Battle of Montgomery Reaches Third Intense Year

Once again, it's time for that special season when we get to fight a war involving a "religious" holiday with purely pagan roots.

Yes, the "War on Christmas," that fictitious war being fought by right-wingers who seem content on blaming "secular progressives" and the ACLU (cue the scary organ music) for taking Christ out of that pagan holiday we've come to know as Christmas. (Read the history of the "Saturnalia" if this pagan thing is news to you.)

It's very telling that the only people who seem to be making money off the "War on Christmas" are the same ones getting upset about it - see Bill O'Reilly and World Net Daily for examples.

Well, in honor of this ridiculous, fictitious war, my third annual fictitious news article on this fictitious war, and more locally the fictitious 'Battle of Montgomery', is now online at the very real Capital City Free Press.

Here is an excerpt:
"Just days after fighting in World Net Daily's newest fabrication of the War on Thanksgiving–which cost the lives of thousands upon thousands of turkeys according to well-respected columnist Chuck Norris–three-star general Bill O’Reilly is once again leading the third year of the Battle of Montgomery, part of the larger War on Christmas."

Read the entire article here.