
Paul Hill: How one man's ignorance taints the reputation of many...

Every argument has two sides, and the 30-year-old abortion controversy seems to be a never-ending battle of Pro-Life versus Pro-Choice.

Most people on both sides of the issue come across as rational, peace-loving people, but in any large group, there will always be that one person who lives on the other side of town from "Rationality".

Paul Hill is an example of this. If you don't recognize the name, the story goes: In 1994, Paul Hill, a radical Pro-Lifer, killed an abortion doctor and his bodyguard by shooting them with a shotgun. He was recently executed by the State of Florida.

Paul Hill, a walking contradiction. How do you kill two people and still call yourself "Pro-Life"?!

Now that Paul Hill is gone, there are those who feel that the next extremist will be a man by the name of Dan Holman, who resides in the State of Iowa.

Holman was in Gainsville, Florida the night of Hill's execution, showing his support and admiration of Hill and his actions. Holman said to the New York Times, "Some day, I hope I will have the courage to be as much a man as he was"; and to the Orlando Sentinel, he said, "I haven't killed anyone yet, but I believe they deserve to die."

An abortion clinic in Iowa recently obtained temporary restraining orders against Holman and his wife, Donna, because of their weekly protests. Holman has been seen videotaping the employees of the clinic and harassing clients and staff.

To the Associated Press, he said that his heart "leaps for joy every time one of them gets popped." He says that he would not murder for his cause, but, at the same time, he advocates murder and hopes to "have the courage to be as much a man as [Hill] was."

Message to Dan and Donna Holman: You're not "Pro-Life" if you advocate murder.

Message to Eli Lilly and Company: Please send the Holmans a lifetime supply of Prozac.

More info:
Court restricts anti-abortion activist
Prozac Truth - What Eli Lilly doesn't want you to know


Coming Soon to a theater near Iraq: "Indiana Boykin and the Last Crusade"

Is the "War on Terror" a modern-day crusade? It depends on who you ask.

Shortly after the 9/11 attacks, President Bush gave a speech in which he announced the "War on Terror" and compared this war to a Holy Crusade. Remember the Crusades from that history class you took years ago? You know, that period of time where "Christians" attempted to force their religion on the rest of the world, killing anyone who did not convert to Christianity.

Since that speech, the Bush administration has desperately tried to get rid of the "Crusade" mentality.

Lt. General William G. Boykin, the deputy undersecretary of defense, made headlines recently due to some things he said while speaking at a church about war.

There he was, dressed up in full military uniform, standing in a church talking about how this battle against Islamic militants was really a Christian battle against Satan. He also referred to a time in 1993 when we got Somali warlord Mohammed Atta, a Muslim, by saying he knew we would win because "our God is bigger than yours." He also said that the Somalian worshipped an "idol", not a "real god."

Is this Freedom of Speech?
Yes and No.
Boykin has the freedom to say whatever he wants to say. That is one of the things that makes America great - The First Amendment, but while he is in that military uniform, he acts and speaks as a General, not a civilian.

Do these statements damage the image of the US military?
The US went into two primarily Islamic countries - Afghanistan and Iraq. If we want the people of these countries to be on the side of freedom and democracy, it's best not to insult their religion.

By phone, Boykin told NBC that he has respect for Muslims and that the extremists are "not true followers of Islam."

What's important to realize is that every religion has its share of extremists:
There are "Christians" who shoot abortion doctors. Does that mean all Christians are murderers?
There are "Muslims" who fly planes into buildings. Does that mean all Muslims are terrorists?

If people would actually educate themselves on various religions, rather than regurgitate biased propaganda, they would realize that there are many similarities among Islam, Christianity, and Judaism. All three of these religions, in their truest form, are peaceful - until an extremist perverts it into violence in order to mask some ulterior motive.

More info:
"As If the 'Crusade' Speech Wasn't Enough"
Bush's views on Boykin's speech (on page 2 of the article)
Other web pages about Boykin


Tommy Chong's Not-So-Nice Dreams

If you have not already heard, Tommy Chong of "Cheech and Chong" fame is currently serving a 9-month sentence for selling drug paraphernalia over the internet.

He was arrested under the DEA's "Operation Pipe Dreams", an effort put into effect by Attorney General John Ashcroft and DEA Administrator John B. Brown.

"With the advent of the Internet, the illegal drug paraphernalia industry has exploded," Ashcroft said.

Tommy Chong pleaded guilty and got sentenced to 9 months in jail.

A bit ridiculous? Definitely.

Is it possible that Chong got a heavier sentence because of who he is? Most likely. After all, the DEA sees Chong as nothing more than a man who has made his living off of drug comedy, so they made him the "example".

Is this justice? No.

Here are some statistics:

According to the 2003 budget for the United States Department of Justice, it will cost taxpayers $25,327 to care for each inmate for one year. (That's $18,995.25 for 9 months.)

....And keep in mind that Tommy Chong was not arrested or convicted of drug possession or possession with intent to distribute - he was just selling glass pipes and other "paraphernalia".

What questions should we be asking?

1. How much are we paying in taxes to punish these minor offenders?
2. Could that money be better spent on other things (you know, like all that "terror" stuff we keep hearing about)?
3. What is the real reason Marijuana is considered "illegal"? (Could it be that it's a weed that can grow anywhere and cannot be regulated by the government? What?! The government gets no money?!)
4. Is selling a glass pipe equal to selling actual drugs? (DEA Administrator Brown thinks so.)
5. Will these pipes stop the use of empty coke bottles and empty honey bears? (seriously doubtful).
6. What's the point?

The US government should free Tommy Chong and issue a public apology to him.

....And for the record, I don't use marijuana. I am just an American who loves freedom, hates "Big Brother" government, and despises government waste.

More info:
Free Tommy Chong!
US Department of Justice Budget
Operation Pipe Dreams
Interesting arrest statistics


Case for war an "overstatement"....we don't like the word "lie"

The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence is currently preparing a report which is somewhat critical of certain "Intelligence" officials. It's critical of them for "overstating" the case against Saddam Hussein, including the subjects of weapons of mass destruction and terrorist links.

An overstatement is an exaggeration, but is an exaggeration a lie? Maybe that depends on motive.

What motive would members of the Bush administration have to "overstate" the case for going to war against Iraq?
Let's examine the possibilities......

1. Distraction: We went into Afghanistan searching for Osama bin Laden, who still has not been found. A man who's supposed to be on dialysis is traveling from cave to cave, pausing just long enough to give interviews, videotapes, and audio tapes to the nearest reporters, but we still can't find this guy. Since we can't find Osama, let's go after public enemy #2 - Saddam Hussein.

2. Presidency: There are currently nine democrats attempting to send Bush back to his Crawford ranch in Texas. Dubya has to do everything he can to appear competent in his "war on terror" if he wants to keep his job.

3. Vendetta: Dubya wanted Saddam out of power because "that's the guy that tried to kill [his] daddy" (referencing the gulf war of the early 90's).

4. 9/11: The American people still don't have the whole story of what really happened on the infamous 9/11. For example, "What are the odds that all the "black box" flight recorders were damaged beyond use?" and "Why were none of the attacking planes intercepted? It is reported that planes are routinely intercepted if they deviate from their flight path and contact can't be made." (Questions from the The Wisdom Fund web site).

Also....If 15 of the 19 hijackers were citizens of Saudi Arabia, why was Afghanistan the first place we went in the "war on terror"? Oil?

These statements are not written to attack the President by calling him a liar or attacking his personal character, but WE ARE NOT GETTING THE WHOLE STORY, and it's time for us to demand the truth.

More info:
Inquiry Faults Intelligence on Iraq
What Really Happened on September 11 Remains a Mystery. (Was the Pentagon really hit by a plane? A must-read)
Unanswered Questions about 9/11


Bush 41 leaves oily residue at retirement party....Bin Laden not in attendance (this time)

George Bush, Sr. (former president and long-time friend of the Bin Laden family of Saudi Arabia) has officially retired from his senior advisory position at the Carlyle Group. He has been the senior advisor for Carlyle's Asia Advisory Board since 1999.

The Carlyle Group has always been known for its high-level positions being held by former politicians - the roster includes former secretary of state James Baker, former conservative British Prime Minister John Major, and Ronald Reagan's former defense secretary Frank Carlucci....

...and let's not forget prominent members of the Bin Laden family....What?! You mean, the "Liberal" media didn't mention this?!

Yes, the Texas-Bin Laden connection began in the mid 70's, and that connection was confirmed in 1995 through the Bin Laden's $2 Million investment into the Carlyle Group. Now, understand that Osama (or "Usama" if you're watching the Fox News Channel) was not part of this venture - it was just his half-brother (among other close family members).

Soon after the 9/11 attacks, Carlyle and the Bin Ladens severed ties (even though the Bin Ladens involved with Carlyle always said that they considered Osama the "black sheep" of the family).

It makes me wonder if this long-time friendship between the Bush's and Bin Laden's is the reason that private Saudi Arabian jet was the only plane allowed to fly directly after 9/11....What? The "Liberal" media didn't report that either?!

It's not a rumor anymore - former White House officials have confirmed that in the immediate aftermath of 9/11, you know, when ALL airspace in the U.S. was restricted, private Saudi Arabian jets flew around the country and gathered up about 140 high-ranking Saudi's (including some Bin Laden relatives), and took them out of the country.

The Bush administration sanctioned the flight of these aircraft against some FBI and CIA protests. Some federal agents have said that they did not have adequate time to interview or interrogate the "passengers".

It's too bad the "Liberal Media" didn't report these stories, but how "Liberal" can the media be when the majority of news is told by Conservatives such as Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, and Laura Ingraham?

More info?
Bush 41's retirement from Carlyle
The History of Bush, Bin Laden, and Carlyle
The Bin Laden Great Escape post 9/11
Unanswered Questions about 9/11
What really happened to Flight 93 - "Let's Roll"?


"Airline safety" + a cigarette lighter = Bush's color-coded "War on Terrorism"

Friday, October 17, 2003 on FoxNews.com:
"WASHINGTON - Authorities were searching every commercial airplane in the United States on Friday after someone left three suspicious bags filled with claylike material, bleach and boxcutters on two Southwest Airlines flights, U.S. officials told Fox News."

The person who left the bags also left a note citing his (or her) concern about airline security.

(click HERE for the fox news story.)

So, what specific items are banned from planes?

In an online bonus chapter from Michael Moore's book "Stupid White Men", Moore has a list of banned items, including:

No guns. (Obviously)
No knives. (Ditto)
No boxcutters. (Certainly now justified)
No toenail clippers. (What?)
No knitting needles. (Huh?)
No crotchet hooks. (Now, wait a minute!)
No sewing needles.
No mace.
No leaf blowers. (OK, now it's personal)
No corkscrews.
No letter openers.
No dry ice.

What would a terrorist do could he not knit a sweater or blow leaves from the aile of the plane?
Maybe....hhmmmm.....I dunno........attempt to set his shoes on fire?

Cigarette lighters and matches are (still) not banned from airlines! But why?
Does the name "Richard Reid" mean anything?

Moore asks the obvious:
1. "If all smoking is prohibited on all flights, then why does ANYONE need their lighters and matches at 30,000 feet ?"
2. "And why is the one device that has been used to try and blow up a plane since 9-11 NOT on the banned list?"

According to Moore, the original FAA list of banned materials had the butane lighters on it, but that item was removed before the list was approved by the White House.

So, Bill O'Reilly asks in his new book "Who's Looking Out For You?", It is safe to assume that it's not George W. Bush's administration. Apparently, the tobacco industry lobbied the Bush administration to take the lighters (and matches) off the list because their customers (addicts) are desperate to smoke as soon as they get off the plane.

So, if there really is a daily terrorist threat that has been color-coded "yellow / elevated" (well, sometimes, it goes up to "orange / high"), why would the Bush administration put so many people's lives in danger by allowing matches and lighters on a plane? Could the Bush administration be implanting fear into the minds of Americans in order to scare us into giving up some of our Constitutional freedoms (read up on the "Patriot Act")?

Here's to fear and another yellow day!

Read the additional chapter from Michael Moore's "Stupid White Men" here
Get information on the USA Patriot Act here
Get Michael Moore's "Stupid White Men" and his new book "Dude, Where's My Country" here
Get Bill O'Reilly's book "Who's Looking Out For You?" here
Click here for "What Terrorist Threat Colors Mean"


October 14, 2003 - Voter Guide

For election information, including who's running in what district, go to this web site: http://www.capcityfreepress.com/election

Go Vote.

Some protesters support 9 of the 10 Commandments...It's that pesky little "thou shalt not kill" one that's so damn confusing.

Acting Chief Justice Gorman Houston of the Alabama Supreme Court has experienced death threats as a result of following a federal court order to remove a 5,300 pound monument of the Ten Commandments out of public view.

Most of the monument's supporters are peaceful protesters who truly believe that they are doing the right thing, but in every large group of people, you're going to find a couple who have crossed the "Stupid" line. Houston, a deeply religious man who has a prayer bench in his office, taught Sunday school for 30 years and is the father of a United Methodist minister. Even though he has such strong beliefs, he has still endured death threats and name calling from some of the extremists (a.k.a. "crazies") of the group.

How can you support the Ten Commandments with death threats?
Ever heard of "Thou Shalt Not Kill"?

This entire event is occurring because churches have failed the people. If the Church was doing its job, people would not have this burning need for government to affirm their faith.

And what about the suspended Roy Moore? He was a former lawyer - how can he not see that his argument is not valid according to law?

In his press conferences, he says "Can the state acknowledge God?"
And the federal court said......No.

The First Amendment gives the freedom of religion to individuals, not the state. If Moore had said "Can I acknowledge God?" I believe he would have had more of an argument, but he seems to be a lot more worried about his political agenda than his individual freedoms.

Anticipating death threats..........over and out.

For more info, try these links:
Montgomery Advertiser: "Justice in Spotlight"
Montgomery Advertiser: "Threats to Judges Cannot be Ignored"
Montgomery Advertiser: "The Ten Commandments Case" (archive)
Spirit of Montgomery
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)


European man gets lost... doesn't stop to ask for directions... Happy Columbus Day.

Monday, October 13, 2003 - Another holiday for many. The day a man named Christopher Columbus "discovered" America.

The question remains:

How do you discover a land that already has inhabitants?

That's a lot like someone "discovering" your car stereo. "I have searched long and hard...and here it is...I have found it...a car stereo...CD with AM/FM radio and detachable faceplate...and I see no one else around...I claim this car stereo in the name of Spain!"

I'm sure the Native Americans (or Indians, as Columbus called them) wish they could call the police regarding the theft of their land.

Well, let's examine what the "Indians" got in return for their land:

-vererial disease

...and eventually...

-Wal Mart
-George W. Bush

When Columbus landed, what could that first conversation have been? According to Mickey Z. of Alternet.org, it might have gone a little something like this:

COLUMBUS: Red man, we want your land and everything on it.
INDIAN: Okay, muscular paleface, but what will you offer in return?
COLUMBUS: Venereal disease, smallpox, the destruction of your culture, genocide, Christianity, and a really bad image in John Wayne flicks.
INDIAN: Can you toss in a few casinos?
COLUMBUS: Sure, but you'll have to wait about 500 years.
INDIAN: Okay, Chris, you've got a deal.

Happy Columbus Day!

(Here is a link to the actual Alternet.org article titled "Not All Italians Love Columbus")


The Montgomery Advertiser: Fair and Balanced?

I always thought that individuals had opinions, but today I've learned that an entire newspaper can also have an opinion, too.

In the "Opinion" section of the Montgomery Advertiser today, there is an editorial about Mayor Bright's term of office titled "Bright's record justifies return". The article ends with this statement: "...the Montgomery Advertiser recommends the re-election of Bobby Bright as mayor in the city election Tuesday."

The person who wrote the article is....well....hhhmmmm.....let me go back to their web site and check.....it says "Editorial". Does that mean the editor wrote it...or maybe one of the assistant editors...or maybe the metro editor?

OK, there seems to be no specific name for the article, but let's look at that last statement again: "the Montgomery Advertiser recommends the re-election of Bobby Bright as mayor in the city election Tuesday."

"The Montgomery Advertiser recommends", not "I" recommend, but an entire newspaper with hundreds of employees recommends.

Am I to believe that every employee of the entire newspaper thinks, acts, and votes the same way?

I think that newspapers should present the facts, issues, and interviews, and let the people decide for themselves which candidate to vote for. But it seems only the Fox news channel actually claims to be "Fair and Balanced".

Read the Montgomery Advertiser's endorsement editorial here: http://www.montgomeryadvertiser.com/NEWS/StoryOpinionedbright1010web.htm


Scott Simmons for Mayor?

Recently, I stopped by the "Simmons for Mayor" headquarters to ask the candidate a few questions regarding his views on certain aspects of the city and politics. With the election just about a week away, Mr. Simmons was in and out of meetings, but still took time to greet me. His campaign coordinator/manager, a lady by the name of Suzelle Josey, took time to answer the questions below.

(Please note that I did not have a tape recorder with me, so most of the answers are paraphrased...And, Mrs. Josey, if you read this and something is incorrect, please email me at jcvox@yahoo.com to let me know...Thanks.)

1. How do you feel about the county's decision to raise sales tax to 10%?
Our tax money is being mismanaged and the sales tax increase should have been voted on by the people.

2. What would you do to convince them to lower it?
Once the city's finances improve through managing tax money efficiently, it will put pressure on the county to lower the sales tax.

3. Are you for or against an occupational tax?
Against it. Mayor Bright has said that he wants to raise property taxes, but if that fails, the occupational tax would be back on the table. We believe the money is there and neither needs to happen.

4. The Montgomery Advertiser said that former mayor Emory Folmar endorses you. Do you see that as positive, negative, or neutral?
There were and are many people who do not like Emory Folmar, but when he was mayor, one thing he did do was keep the city financially in the black. He was good with finances, and he endorsed Simmons because he believes Simmons will handle the city's finances well. That is where the similarity ends.

5. In this struggling economy, what could/would you do to create jobs?
Tourism. Montgomery is rich in history. The average tourist spends about $100 daily. That money would be spent in local restaurants and shops. More tourism = more $$$ = more businesses = more jobs.

6. What was your view on Amendment One (The Riley Tax plan)?
Amendment One did not have enough Accountability.

7. How will the rejection of Amendment One affect the city?
It won't.

8. How do you feel about the new stadium?
We have paid too much for not enough.

9. Could there be a better way to spend that money?

10. Do you support Chief Justice Roy Moore's stand on the 10 Commandments?
Mr. Simmons is a Christian and supports the 10 Commandments.

(The answer to number 10 does not state nor imply whether or not Simmons agrees with Moore's defiance of Judge Thompson's order....and the reason for question number 4 is because I can't stand Emory Folmar. Under the 22-year reign of Folmar, political corruption was at an all-time high and the Montgomery Police Department could do no wrong -- no matter how many people were beaten.)

Be sure to check out www.SimmonsForMayor.com for more information.

Here is some interesting information that is printed in his brochure:

*During the last four years, Montgomery's budget has risen by over $40 Million dollars.
*During the last four years, Montgomery's debt has increased by over 300 percent.
*During the last four years, Montgomery's citizens have had taxes and fees increased 5 times.
*The current administration has gone on record in favor of additional tax increases.
*During the last four years, crime has increased by 14%.
*Between 2000 and 2002, Montgomery's population DECREASED by over 4600 people.

October 14 - Get out and vote.


Montgomery finally moves into the latter part of the 20th Century...

Maybe the 21st Century is still too far away for Montgomery, Alabama, but at least you can now officially buy draft beer in the local bars.

Draft beer, while common in most civilized areas, had been reserved (by law) for the "prestigious" bars lucky enough to be located in historic buildings, or was only available on the Air Force Base.

Now, as of 12:01 a.m. October 1, 2003, Draft beer is legal - but that's not all! We now have......(drum roll)........SUNDAY SALES!

Now, the people of Montgomery do not have to drive all the way to Shorter to buy alcohol on Sunday. Finally, the Montgomery City Council has done something besides raise our taxes. If they could just get rid of that unreasonably-high 10% sales tax that the County Commission is currently raping us with......