
Montgomery finally moves into the latter part of the 20th Century...

Maybe the 21st Century is still too far away for Montgomery, Alabama, but at least you can now officially buy draft beer in the local bars.

Draft beer, while common in most civilized areas, had been reserved (by law) for the "prestigious" bars lucky enough to be located in historic buildings, or was only available on the Air Force Base.

Now, as of 12:01 a.m. October 1, 2003, Draft beer is legal - but that's not all! We now have......(drum roll)........SUNDAY SALES!

Now, the people of Montgomery do not have to drive all the way to Shorter to buy alcohol on Sunday. Finally, the Montgomery City Council has done something besides raise our taxes. If they could just get rid of that unreasonably-high 10% sales tax that the County Commission is currently raping us with......

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