
Case for war an "overstatement"....we don't like the word "lie"

The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence is currently preparing a report which is somewhat critical of certain "Intelligence" officials. It's critical of them for "overstating" the case against Saddam Hussein, including the subjects of weapons of mass destruction and terrorist links.

An overstatement is an exaggeration, but is an exaggeration a lie? Maybe that depends on motive.

What motive would members of the Bush administration have to "overstate" the case for going to war against Iraq?
Let's examine the possibilities......

1. Distraction: We went into Afghanistan searching for Osama bin Laden, who still has not been found. A man who's supposed to be on dialysis is traveling from cave to cave, pausing just long enough to give interviews, videotapes, and audio tapes to the nearest reporters, but we still can't find this guy. Since we can't find Osama, let's go after public enemy #2 - Saddam Hussein.

2. Presidency: There are currently nine democrats attempting to send Bush back to his Crawford ranch in Texas. Dubya has to do everything he can to appear competent in his "war on terror" if he wants to keep his job.

3. Vendetta: Dubya wanted Saddam out of power because "that's the guy that tried to kill [his] daddy" (referencing the gulf war of the early 90's).

4. 9/11: The American people still don't have the whole story of what really happened on the infamous 9/11. For example, "What are the odds that all the "black box" flight recorders were damaged beyond use?" and "Why were none of the attacking planes intercepted? It is reported that planes are routinely intercepted if they deviate from their flight path and contact can't be made." (Questions from the The Wisdom Fund web site).

Also....If 15 of the 19 hijackers were citizens of Saudi Arabia, why was Afghanistan the first place we went in the "war on terror"? Oil?

These statements are not written to attack the President by calling him a liar or attacking his personal character, but WE ARE NOT GETTING THE WHOLE STORY, and it's time for us to demand the truth.

More info:
Inquiry Faults Intelligence on Iraq
What Really Happened on September 11 Remains a Mystery. (Was the Pentagon really hit by a plane? A must-read)
Unanswered Questions about 9/11

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