
Kucinich calls it quits

Democratic presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich has officially withdrawn from the race to the White House. He will now focus on keeping his seat in the US Congress.

He follows in the footsteps of Republican Fred Thompson, who recently gave up his presidential ambitions. Remember how he was expected to jump in the Republican race, steal a bunch of thunder to become the next Ronald Reagan? Well...maybe he can go back to Law and Order...or something.

The field is getting more and more narrow.........


Do you feel safe NOW? (The FBI didn't pay their phone bill...oops)

Look at this Associated Press headline: FBI wiretaps dropped due to unpaid bills.

Some telephone companies have cut off FBI wiretaps because the FBI can't seem to pay their phone bill on time.

This includes some wiretaps under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA...you've probably heard that acronym when discussing wiretaps before...you know, like "illegal wiretaps" that didn't go through "FISA"....that kind of stuff).

The FISA wiretaps are used for suspected spies and terrorists.

Let this be a lesson to our government: You can't have wiretaps, legal or otherwise, if you don't pay your phone bill.

Also.... the FBI went all Enron-style, blaming "faulty bookkeeping" for some of the mistakes, including one involving a former agent who managed to steal $25,000 for her own, personal use. That agent pleaded guilty in June 2006 - which kind of means the problem was known, at minimum, a year and a half ago.

This has been another episode of "Our Tax Dollars at Work."


Is 2008 the Year of Change?

My new column is now online at the Capital City Free Press. It asks, "Is 2008 the Year of Change?"

It's about one particular congressman by the name of Robert Wexler (D-FL) who started a web site called WexlerWantsHearings.com. The web site involved Vice President Dick Cheney and the word "impeachment."

Read it here.

Happy New Year! Let's make it count.