
Awwww, the president misses the blank checks

The President is threatening to veto a war spending bill that calls for a timetable to get out of Iraq. I guess it's a lot different when Congress isn't just writing you a blank check to spend and spend and spend, and then accuse Democrats of being "tax and spend," and spend and spend and spend.

Oh, but now there are stipulations, a "yes, we will fund the troops, and then they can come home." And Bush isn't having it, threatening to dust off his "veto pen" - you know, the pen that never got used except for that one time he wanted to put a stop to scientific research on embryonic stem cells because throwing the unused stem cells in a dumpster is the moral high ground to trying to cure alzheimers or parkinsons, or hell, even cancer.

Let's see if we can get through the next year and a half without Bush screwing up more of the world.


News sure travels slow to Ashburn, GA

Maybe someone should fire the local Pony Express in Ashburn, Georgia.

2007 marks the first year that Turner County High School, located in Ashburn, will have one official prom - with *GASP* both whites and blacks in attendance.

When schools integrated, to the chagrin of Alabama's old governor George Wallace, the memo apparently got lost on the way to the sticks of Turner County, but luckily, one Pony Express employee found an old telegraph message that got stuck between the water fountain marked "whites" and the water fountain marked "coloreds."

Luckily, Turner County High teaches students the power of logical thought, as shown with a statement by former student Mindy Bryan, who attended a segregated prom in 19......no, 2001, yeah, that's the correct year. Said Bryan, "There was not anybody that I can remember that was black...The white people have theirs, and the black people have theirs. It's nothing racial at all."

While it is safe to say that Bryan is not up for any awards involving the word "genius," how the hell is a segregated prom not "racial at all"? I mean, that one gets a great big "holy what-the-fuck, Batman?"

Luckily, the 213 upperclassmen decided that they were going to pretend that we were actually living in the year 2007, rather than some spin-off of "Back to the Future" starring Jim Crowe, and should be congratulated on getting the students to trade in their horse-and-buggies for a 1970's Ford pickup.

Hey at this rate, maybe they'll be in a Toyota Prius era by the time the flying car is invented.


The firing of Don Imus.....is it May already?

My newest article at the Capital City Free Press, which would normally be out on the first of May, has been posted early.

It is titled, "Why Don Imus should not have been fired." Rather than give an excerpt like I normally do, I say just go read it.

Here is the link.


John McCain walks safely through Baghdad...with 100 soldiers, helicopters, etc...and Chuck Norris?

Arizona's own Senator John McCain took a stroll through a Baghdad market recently, in order to demonstrate how Americans are "not getting the full picture" of Iraq.

McCain has said that there "are neighborhoods in Baghdad where you and I could walk through those neighborhoods, today," and wanted his stroll through the market to prove that you can "walk freely" in some areas of Baghdad.

However, to walk freely, you must walk just as John McCain did - with 100 armed soldiers, three Blackhawk helicopters, two Apache gunships overhead and a bullet-proof vest. And really, who doesn't have 100 armed soldiers, 5 armed helicopters and a bullet-proof vest when they go grocery shopping or to the mall? I mean, that's just standard even in America, right? Never leave home without 'em....just like American Express.

Not so ironically, however, McCain's little shopping trip did take place on April Fool's Day.

From the New York Times: "'What are they talking about?' Ali Jassim Faiyed, the owner of an electrical appliances shop in the market, said Monday. 'The security procedures were abnormal!'"

Mr. Faiyed added, "They paralyzed the market when they came," and, "This was only for the media," and, "This will not change anything."

Maybe McCain would have been just as safe travelling with Chuck Norris - after all, he's now been named an "honorary Marine."


On Months, Days and Weeks

April's column is up at the Capital City Free Press. Titled, "On Months, Days and Weeks," I wrote about the fourth anniversary of the Iraq War.

"'Victory means exit strategy, and it's important for the president to
explain to us what the exit strategy is.' If only Bush would heed this quote...
after all, he is the one that said it. The date was April 9, 1999 and he was
talking about Kosovo."

Read the entire article here.