
Awwww, the president misses the blank checks

The President is threatening to veto a war spending bill that calls for a timetable to get out of Iraq. I guess it's a lot different when Congress isn't just writing you a blank check to spend and spend and spend, and then accuse Democrats of being "tax and spend," and spend and spend and spend.

Oh, but now there are stipulations, a "yes, we will fund the troops, and then they can come home." And Bush isn't having it, threatening to dust off his "veto pen" - you know, the pen that never got used except for that one time he wanted to put a stop to scientific research on embryonic stem cells because throwing the unused stem cells in a dumpster is the moral high ground to trying to cure alzheimers or parkinsons, or hell, even cancer.

Let's see if we can get through the next year and a half without Bush screwing up more of the world.

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