
News sure travels slow to Ashburn, GA

Maybe someone should fire the local Pony Express in Ashburn, Georgia.

2007 marks the first year that Turner County High School, located in Ashburn, will have one official prom - with *GASP* both whites and blacks in attendance.

When schools integrated, to the chagrin of Alabama's old governor George Wallace, the memo apparently got lost on the way to the sticks of Turner County, but luckily, one Pony Express employee found an old telegraph message that got stuck between the water fountain marked "whites" and the water fountain marked "coloreds."

Luckily, Turner County High teaches students the power of logical thought, as shown with a statement by former student Mindy Bryan, who attended a segregated prom in 19......no, 2001, yeah, that's the correct year. Said Bryan, "There was not anybody that I can remember that was black...The white people have theirs, and the black people have theirs. It's nothing racial at all."

While it is safe to say that Bryan is not up for any awards involving the word "genius," how the hell is a segregated prom not "racial at all"? I mean, that one gets a great big "holy what-the-fuck, Batman?"

Luckily, the 213 upperclassmen decided that they were going to pretend that we were actually living in the year 2007, rather than some spin-off of "Back to the Future" starring Jim Crowe, and should be congratulated on getting the students to trade in their horse-and-buggies for a 1970's Ford pickup.

Hey at this rate, maybe they'll be in a Toyota Prius era by the time the flying car is invented.

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