
Paul Hill: How one man's ignorance taints the reputation of many...

Every argument has two sides, and the 30-year-old abortion controversy seems to be a never-ending battle of Pro-Life versus Pro-Choice.

Most people on both sides of the issue come across as rational, peace-loving people, but in any large group, there will always be that one person who lives on the other side of town from "Rationality".

Paul Hill is an example of this. If you don't recognize the name, the story goes: In 1994, Paul Hill, a radical Pro-Lifer, killed an abortion doctor and his bodyguard by shooting them with a shotgun. He was recently executed by the State of Florida.

Paul Hill, a walking contradiction. How do you kill two people and still call yourself "Pro-Life"?!

Now that Paul Hill is gone, there are those who feel that the next extremist will be a man by the name of Dan Holman, who resides in the State of Iowa.

Holman was in Gainsville, Florida the night of Hill's execution, showing his support and admiration of Hill and his actions. Holman said to the New York Times, "Some day, I hope I will have the courage to be as much a man as he was"; and to the Orlando Sentinel, he said, "I haven't killed anyone yet, but I believe they deserve to die."

An abortion clinic in Iowa recently obtained temporary restraining orders against Holman and his wife, Donna, because of their weekly protests. Holman has been seen videotaping the employees of the clinic and harassing clients and staff.

To the Associated Press, he said that his heart "leaps for joy every time one of them gets popped." He says that he would not murder for his cause, but, at the same time, he advocates murder and hopes to "have the courage to be as much a man as [Hill] was."

Message to Dan and Donna Holman: You're not "Pro-Life" if you advocate murder.

Message to Eli Lilly and Company: Please send the Holmans a lifetime supply of Prozac.

More info:
Court restricts anti-abortion activist
Prozac Truth - What Eli Lilly doesn't want you to know

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