
Judge Roy Moore should not be called "Judge"

Yeah, you know him - Roy Moore, the "Ten Commandments Judge." Not the "Upstanding and Fair Judge." Not the "Level-headed and Constitutional Judge." Oh, no, he's the Religion Judge.
And this religious zealot wants his theocracy, and he wants it now!

Moore wrote an article for the bastion of fairness (if you are an extreme, right-wing, religious zealot) World Net Daily. (He contributes along with other big names like Chuck Norris.) His article has the title, "Muslim Ellison should not sit in Congress."

(In a sidenote, the people of Alabama, during the Republican primaries, said, "Christian Moore should not sit in the Governor's office.")

Moore's article talks about the newly-elected Keith Ellison of Minnesota, a Muslim who will soon serve in the US Congress. Ellison has said that he wants to take his oath on the Qu'ran instead of the Bible, and Moore (and others) are freaking out. A Muslim would rather take an oath on a book that he holds sacred and dear than a book Moore holds sacred and dear? Imagine that!

Moore talks about George Washington taking the oath to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. So help me God." And of course, Moore goes on to say that this began "a long tradition...of acknowledging the Judeo-Christian God as the source of our law and liberty." Unfortunately for Moore, history has shown most of our founding fathers to be Deists and Freemasons, not Christians, and especially not religious zealots.

The article goes on to say that "The Islamic faith rejects our God..." To make his point, Moore uses Jaafar Sheikh Idris, the founder and chairman of American Open University, which Moore describes as "a radical Islamic school that has received funding from suspected al-Qaida sources and which supports Islamic law." According to Moore, Idris says, "Islam cannot be separated from the state." Moore goes on to paraphrase Idris as saying "that no Muslim elected to Congress or the White House can swear to uphold the United States Constitution and still be a Muslim, because the law of Allah as expressed in the Quran is supreme."

Now why does this sound familiar? I'll explain.

Moore uses an example that he claims runs a "radical" Islamic school to "prove" that all Muslims cannot uphold the Constitution because they believe that the laws of Allah are supreme.

One could argue, as I will do now, that Moore is no different from Idris. Moore cannot uphold the United States Constitution because he believes that the laws of God (his God, to be specific) are supreme. After all, isn't that why he is no longer a judge?

Now allow me to take Moore's radical beliefs and apply them to all who wear the name "Christian." By this logic, Christians should not be allowed in government because they believe the laws of their God are supreme - not the Constitution.

If you thought Moore was only going to question Ellison's patriotism, you would be wrong, as Moore goes on to say, "Perhaps Ellison is confused about what he believes, or else has another agenda." At that point, Moore continues to use his Idris example to confirm his own prejudice.

And just when you thought that Moore's insane rant was over, he goes on to slander Ellison even more, saying, "But common sense alone dictates that in the midst of a war with Islamic terrorists we should not place someone in a position of great power who shares their doctrine."
You see?! Moore just said that Ellison identifies with the terrorists! That he is a terrorist sympathizer.

Roy Moore loves to talk about God, government and the Bible, but he has yet to show a Biblical passage that shows Jesus demonizing and slandering people. Moore should be ashamed, and he owes Congressman Ellison an apology.

more info:
WND: Muslim Ellison should not sit in Congress

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