
All of a sudden, Roy Moore is worried about the Alabama tax payers.....Stop the Press!!!

If you haven't already heard, the US Supreme Court has said it will not hear Roy Moore's 10 Commandments case. No begging and pleading could change their minds, and Judge Myron Thompson's order will stand.

Moore has bigger issues though, as he is being brought up on an ethics violation for his deliberate disobedience to Judge Thompson's order. He is set to stand trial on November 12.

Moore's opponents (well, the opponents who sued him over the monument) are now asking for $832,000 in fees from the federal judge.

In an interview with the Associated Press, Moore expressed concerns about the state's declining revenues and high legal costs for other cases. He said, "I imagine the state would have to pay for it."

Moore is contesting the request, which he considers "outrageous", and also notes that one of the plaintiffs in the case, Americans United for Separation of Church and State, have raised money for their fight against the monument.

Wow, Roy Moore really cares about the taxpayers of this state....it almost brings a tear to my eye....boo (expletive) hoo. Moore didn't seem too concerned about the taxpayers when it was reported that he might have to pay a fine for every day he violated the federal court order to remove the 5,300 pound rock.

Then, he was suspended WITH pay. In other words, he got a paid vacation out of this, during which time he traveled across the US, speaking at every stop to further his cause (and maybe even his ego). So, the taxpayers have now paid for his traveling expenses and his speaking engagements by allowing him to continue to receive a paycheck while he's suspended.

If Moore cared about the state and the taxpayers, he wouldn't have violated the court order, and if he had any respect for his "cause", he wouldn't have put that monument there in the middle of the night anyway. Why the middle of the night? Did he know he was wrong? Was he ashamed? Did he forsee this happening?

How many reasons is Alabama going to give Hollywood to joke on this state? Hey Jay Leno, get out your notepad - Alabama's at it again! Howard Dean, maybe that confederate flag comment didn't shove your foot as far into your mouth as you thought!

Oh, and as far as stupidity goes, you'll love this!

Roy Moore thinks he is being "silenced" and has not had a proper forum to explain his actions. He said, "These officials don't want you to know why I didn't move it."

If multiple press conferences are not considered a "proper forum", then I really don't know what is! Wait! Maybe a proper forum would be his various TV appearances - you know - the ones where he is the guest speaker at a televised church service. Or maybe the proper forum is every stop he made during his "suspension" - well let's just call it a vacation like it really is.

Bill O'Reilly would be so proud - this would have to be the most ridiculous item of the week.

More Info:
State may pay for fight
No one is trying to muzzle Moore

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