
A New Year, and an election year...Mr. Show says "Vote"

A new year of new events - leading up to the big election coming in November, where voters will decide to vote for change, freedom, and civil liberties, or decide to keep the mis-leader of the War on Terror around four more years. That's four more years of losing constitutional freedoms, tax cuts for the rich (yes, Mr. O'Reilly, I said it - for the rich), and Oil, Oil, Oil.

Many questions will be answered in the near future. Will the election be Bush vs. Dean? Will Wesley Clark pull ahead? Will Hillary jump in at the last minute and take over the democratic party? Will other democrats back Dean if he gets the nomination? Will Joe Lieberman ever officially wear a "Hello, my name is: Republican" name tag?

Let your voice be heard. Vote. Listen to Mr. Show.

There's an interesting interview with comedian David Cross on Alternet.org. Many people know him from his HBO series "Mr. Show". A funny guy, and also very political. Probably considered one of the "Elites" by conservative political commentator Laura Ingraham, who seems to put any TV personality who doesn't like Bush in that category. Hey Laura, why don't you "Shut Up and Sing"?

Here is a quote from Cross about voting: "It's pretty galling that I know people will wait in line for a weekend to see a f*ckin' movie that's gonna be there for three months, but won't wait in line for 12 minutes to vote. If not for yourself, then for everyone else, it's truly one of the most selfish things you can do. Just the fact that you won't educate yourself on the issues. It's truly one of the most selfish things you can do. Especially because so many people have suffered to obtain that right, or obtain the idea of that right."

And how right he is. We've all seen it. People get this my-vote-doesn't-count attitude and refuse to get involved or care about what goes on. Some people think "It doesn't affect me," but it does. It all affects you in one way or another. What if we got half the people who think their vote doesn't cout out to the polls this election? What kind of difference would it make when the last president only "won" (not really) by what - 537 votes?

Here's what Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly want you to just "get over": The guy with the most votes did not win in 2000. George W. Bush officially became the first Supreme-Court-appointed President in the history of this country.

If you're wondering how the person with the most votes lost, there's a book you should read - "The Best Democracy Money Can Buy" by Greg Palast. Palast is an investigative journalist who thoroughly examined the whole Florida situation right after the "election" (put in quotes because we use that term loosely).

Here is a list of books to read for the New Year:
"The Best Democracy Money Can Buy" by Greg Palast
"Stupid White Men" by Michael Moore
"Dude, Where's my Country" by Michael Moore
"The Oh Really? Factor" by Peter Hart (of Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting)
...and to be fair, also read "Who's Looking Out for You?" by Bill O'Reilly (always get both sides)
"Lies, and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them" by Al Franken
"When You Ride ALONE, You Ride With Bin Laden" by Bill Maher

Here are some sites for more information:
David Cross Interview
I Know What You Did Last Election
Impeach Bush
Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting
Move On
Bush In 30 seconds

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