
Publicity for JoshCarples.com and A New Voice for the Right that's Wrong


JoshCarples.com, "the news according to joshcarples", has been linked on the Capital City Free Press' web site. Their link has been added to the News/Politics link section to the right of this page. Be sure to check them out. Thanks to Joseph O. Patton, Montgomery has a progressive voice beyond the corporate media.

A New Voice For the Right that's Wrong

Just what America needed - a new ultra-right-wing, liberal-hating, and much of the time illogical personality on the radio. We really didn't have enough of those already.

Enter Rusty Humphries, a person who could very well become the next Sean Hannity in my opinion - and the two are a lot alike, really. They're both loud and obnoxious and rarely make a believable argument.

Now, I admit, I'm not an avid listener of Rusty. I'm usually at work during his show (unlike many other Americans - "Thank you, Mr. President"). The few times so far that I have heard at least a segment or two of the show, I notice an angry person who is...well...wrong - a lot.

During his show a couple of weeks ago, there were people calling in, talking about the Iraq War ("Gulf War II") and John Kerry. Rusty, with his oh-so-angry tone said, "John Kerry killed my dad." No, really. Are you still laughing? Rusty really said that John Kerry killed his dad. Apparently, Rusty's dad was killed during Vietnam, and because John Kerry (who fought in Vietnam, instead of jumping in front of the rich-kid line to be a Texas Air National Guardsman like our current commander-in-chief) returned from Vietnam and protested the war, Rusty's dad died.

First of all, I'm not attempting to show any disrespect to Rusty's dad. There are many brave soldiers who fought in Vietnam, and died in Vietnam, and I respect them and their sacrifice. What's disrespectful is his blaming John Kerry for his dad's death.

...and of course, Rusty ends his show that day yelling, "Am I the only one who remembers 9-11?!"

No, Rusty, you're not. You just remember it in a different way than what happened.

I remember everyone saying that Osama bin Laden and his terror network, al Qaeda, orchestrated and carried out the 9-11 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

Rusty's memory apparently consists of the 9-11 attacks with flashing images of an Arab in them, and he's just not sure whether that Arab is Osama bin Laden or Saddam Hussein. See, Rusty's a bit confused, as was our President a little over a year ago.

I remember watching Bill Maher's hour-long special that was based on his book, "When You Ride Alone, You Ride With Bin Laden." Bill mentioned the toppling of the Saddam statue in Iraq, and how someone said that we should melt the Saddam statue, and use it in a new World Trade Center building. The person said something to the effect of, "That'll show the rest of the world..." Bill said, "Yeah, that'll show the world that we can't tell one Arab from another."

Well, Rusty, no one's disputing that Saddam was a bad guy. Really, even the people who are against Gulf War II are glad that Saddam is out of power. We just believe that we went about it the wrong way.

...and at this point, we would hear arguments...

Saddam had weapons of mass destruction.

Saddam gassed his own people.
Yes, and we should have been pissed enough to do something about that when it happened in the 80's.

Saddam violated 17 UN Sanctions. If the UN does't enforce them, we have to.
Israel has violated at least 30, Turkey has more than 20, Morocco has more than 15. When are we going to enforce them?

We went over there to liberate people.
Good, because we have a history of liberating people, right? Was that was the first and second World Wars were about? What about Vietnam? Korea? It's all about the people, huh?

Here are some questions for you:

Saddam was accused of having nuclear weapons. North Korea admitted having a nuclear program with nuclear weapons. Why are we in Iraq instead of North Korea?
(My guess is that there's no oil in North Korea.)

Was Bush planning to attack Iraq before 9-11 even occurred?
(According to a new book by Bob Woodward, "Plan of Attack", maybe so.)

Is this war, at least partly, Bush's personal vendetta?
(This is from a 2002 speech found on CNN.com in which Bush said of Saddam, "After all, this is the guy who tried to kill my dad.")

Hey, at least the President isn't blaming John Kerry for trying to kill his dad. Take notes, Rusty.

More info:
Capital City Free Press
Rusty Humphries
(***If you go to Rusty's web site, he has a link on there of the actual video of Nick Berg being decapitated. Do not download that video unless you are prepared to be sickened. Honestly, he wasn't decapitated, his head was sawed off. It's horrible and brutal, and one of the most disgusting things I've ever seen. I can't even imagine what the Berg family is going through right now, and I truly hope that people reach out to them and give them support in these times.***)
"After all, this is the guy who tried to kill my dad."
Bill Maher - "When You Ride Alone, You Ride With Bin Laden"
Bob Woodward - "Plan of Attack"

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