
New Scandal - No, not Oil for Food - Underwear for Votes

Just when you thought you had heard it all..........

Michael Moore (Fahrenheit 9/11, Bowling for Columbine) may soon be a wanted man. Literally.

In the state of Michigan, four county prosecutors, at the request of the Michigan GOP, have been asked to file charges against Michael Moore.

The charge: Giving underwear and Ramen noodles to students in exchange for their promise to vote on November 2.

The Michigan GOP says that this is illegal, calling it "bribery" and "coercion", and a violation of Michigan's election law.

Michael Moore is currently on his "Slacker Uprising Tour 2004" where he encourages students to get involved in the political process. He tells them that he understands their distrust of politicians, but also says that this election is too important not to get involved.

Moore says, "Keep sleeping 'til noon! Keep drinking beer! Stay on the sofa and watch as much TV as possible! But, please, just for me, on 11/2, I want you to leave the house and give voting a try -- just this once. The stakes this time are just too high...

"If they promise me that they'll do this, I give the guys a 3-pack of new Fruit of the Loom underwear, and the women get a day's supply of Ramen noodles, the sustenance of slackers everywhere."

This proves two things:

1. Life is stranger than fiction.

2. Republicans do have a sense of humor.

more info:
State GOP says Michael Moore illegally offered underwear in exchange for voting
Slacker Uprising Tour 2004
Republicans, Out of Ideas, Ask Prosecutors to Arrest Michael Moore
Michael Moore

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