
Both Sides Should Be Grateful

Unlike the election in 2000, the Senate is not absent. Recently, when Senator Barbara Boxer of California joined Representative Stephanie Tubbs Jones and other house members to object the certification of Ohio’s Electoral Votes, it was not a sign of one side being a “sore loser,” rather, it was a sign of true democracy – and both Republicans and Democrats (and all other parties, for that matter) should be grateful.

We should be grateful that someone in our government wants all the votes counted, whether it changes any outcomes or not. Having all votes counted is not a partisan issue, it is an American issue, and what could be more American than allowing democracy to work?

As Americans, we all owe a debt of gratitude to Senator Boxer, Representative Jones and the other members of Congress who are standing up for democracy. To them, I say “Thank you.”

Click here to join MoveOn.org in sending your own letter to the editor of your local newspaper about what Senator Boxer did for democracy.

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