
Pat Robertson....do I really need to elaborate?....honestly?...this could be an on-going series...

Pat Robertson of the 700 Club and Christian Coalition has done and said many strange and moronic things during his life, and alas, we come across a brand spankin' new one.

This man has called for the assasination of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, threatened the wrath of "God" on a town whose schoolboard rejected the teaching of the theory of "Intelligent Design" in its science classes, said that "God" told him to run for President a few years ago (although apparently the Supreme Being couldn't deliver the votes), attempted to "pray" hurricanes away (although Katrina seemed immune), and really, must I go on?

Now Pat Robertson has continued on his path of hypocrisy by calling Democratic war criticism "treason." Using a page right out of Ann Coulter's blathering rants, Robertson said on the December 7 edition of his 700 Club:

"We've won the war already, and for the Democrats to say we can't win it -- what kind of a statement is that? And furthermore, one of the fundamental principles we have in America is that the president is the commander in chief of the armed forces and attempts to undermine the commander in chief during time of war amounts to treason. I know we have an opportunity to express our points of view, but there is a time when we're engaged in a combat situation that carping criticism against the commander in chief just doesn't cut it. And I think that yes, we have freedom of speech -- of course we do -- but this has gone over the top and I think the Republicans are -- well, they've taken advantage."

See, if you excercise your First Amendment rights, you are a traitor. If you disagree with the Bush Administration, you are a traitor. If you dissent, you are a traitor. If you speak your opinion, and your opinion differs from the Bush Administration's opinion, you are a traitor. If you say "Happy Holidays" rather than "Merry Christmas," you are a traitor. If you think the First Amendment applies to you, you are a traitor.....or if you are Pat Robertson, you are a pitiful man who manipulates your religion to further divide the people of this country.

And look at the very beginning of his tirade: "We've won the war already..." Isn't that nice to know. We have already won, yet somehow I, the American people, the media, and hell, even the Bush Administration missed the memo. I had no idea that our troops were back home. I had no idea that Iraqis were protecting themselves. I had no idea that there were no more roadside bombs, no more IED's, no more suicide bombers.

Congratulations, America. Pat Robertson said we've already won the war. It's over. It's time to celebrate....but not too much, I mean, after all, there's still some war on Christmas, right?

more info:
Robertson called Democratic war criticism "treason"

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