
The ACLU: What Bill O'Reilly never tells you......and more

"The ACLU: What Bill O'Reilly never tells you" is up at the Capital City Free Press.

See what you've been missing by only watching Fox News Channel, where "fair and balanced" really means "we'll give you our right-wing point of view and claim it's both sides of the story."

Click here for the article.

And also, if you didn't hear, Ken Lay died of a heart attack. A heart attack! Mr. Enron himself, a guy who was recently convicted of corporate crimes, a guy who bilked his employees out of their retirement funds, a guy who was finally brought to justice and was going to spend the rest of his life in jail....dies of a heart attack. Where is the justice in that? If only someone could have hooked him up on life support and let his body lie in San Quentin long enough for Tom Delay to come to his defense when they try take away the feeding tube....oh, justice.

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