
Club for Partisan Political Ads

I've seen a new political ad attacking Senator John Kerry recently on Fox News Channel. (And no matter how much Sean Hannity likes the ad, it was not sponsored by Fox News.)

The ad starts with Kerry in the year 1971, during a Congressional testimony, saying, "We cannot fight Communism all over the World, and I think we should have learned that lesson by now."

Then you see the late Ronald Reagan in 1987 at the Berlin Wall, saying, "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!"

Next, we see George W. Bush in 2001 at Ground Zero saying, "I can hear you, the rest of the world hears you, and the people who knocked these building down will hear all of us soon."

The ad then repeats the quote from Kerry, and ends with "John Kerry: Wrong then, Wrong now."

The ad was sponsored by an organization called Club For Growth, a politically right-wing Republican group.

Let's examine the ad:

John Kerry mentioned "Communism", not to be confused with "Terrorism." I can see where the Reagan quote would be appropriate in this scenario, but Bush never decided to fight Communism, and Communism is not dead.

If you think Communism is dead, just ask the people in China, North Korea, Vietnam, or Cuba.

Kerry made his comment in 1971, after coming back from the Vietnam War, which had recently ended. After we lost the Vietnam war, that country remains Communist to this day. So while Reagan may have done some good, he did not eliminate Communism from the world.

John Kerry's comments were regarding the Vietnam war, and had nothing to do with the "War on Terror".

Here's what they didn't mention in the ad:

While John Kerry was risking his life in Vietnam, where was George W. Bush? Was he in the Texas Air National Guard? Was he in Alabama training? Was he in Alabama campaigning for his dad's friends? Did he ever show up for his drills? Did he go AWOL? He has his dental records, so we know he got his teeth cleaned, but what else was he doing?

Club For Growth is more about partisan politics and ideologies than growth. This country needs a strong leader, who knows more about diplomacy than being a "Bring-it-on" cowboy.

more info:
John Kerry
George W Bush
Club for Growth
Vietnam War
Communist Nations
Did Dubya go AWOL?

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