
Who really got Bush's tax cuts?

That's a good question, and the answer you believed, at least until now, has really depended on whether you considered yourself "left" or "right", "liberal" or "conservative", pro-Kerry or pro-Bush....

Well, Sean Hannity can officially, to quote Bill O'Reilly, "shut up."

In Newsweek's "Conventional Wisdom" section (August 23, 2004), it says, "Nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office confirms that the top 1 percent got one third of the Bush tax cuts."

It goes on to say, "In ads, Bush honors sacrifice. When will those guys?"

Let's look at that statistic and let it sink in for a moment. The top 1% got 1/3 of the Bush tax cuts....

So that means that 99% of the population got to divide the two thirds that were left after Karl Rove, Enron's Ken "Kenny Boy" Lay, and Dick Cheney's old pals at Halliburton got their share.

Someone should tell Sean Hannity not to believe everything he reads in the Weekly Standard or the Republican National Committee's newsletter.


Speaking of the Newsweek article, there's another interesting thing about Dick Cheney. "[Cheney] ridicules Kerry for saying U.S. should be more 'sensitive' in terror fight. Yo, Dick, Bush said same thing in March."

Public Speech: Free

Leather Shoes: $250

Reading about Dick Cheney putting his foot in his mouth: Priceless

There really are some things in life money can't buy.

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