
Pat Robertson.....(sigh).....again.....

Pat Robertson, one of the Christian right's biggest fearmongerers, is attacking other religions again, not that it should surprise anyone, but really, if you're going to make an argument against another religion, at least use some reason, common sense, or maybe, just maybe, some facts.

This is from the June 12 edition of The 700 Club, as documented by Media Matters. I'll put my statements in bold and in [brackets] just for clarification. Now, he is talking about some Muslims in Minneapolis who are asking for religious accomodations at work and/or school.

Said Robertson, "The question would be, ladies and gentlemen, if a million Christians want to go to Saudi Arabia and say, 'We want to pray,' you can't pray in Saudi Arabia. You can't have religious literature in Saudi Arabia. You can't get together in Bible study groups in Saudi Arabia. As far as having special places for foot-washing and all that, no way. You will abide by Sharia law because they're in control."

[This is an easy one, Pat. Saudi Arabia doesn't have a First Amendment. There, that wasn't so hard, now was it? Luckily, here in America, we have a First Amendment which protects our freedom of religion.... and note that is says, "religion" and not "Christianity" as you and your friends like to argue about this being a "Christian nation" and all.]

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have to recognize that Islam is not a religion. It is a worldwide political movement meant on domination of the world. And it is meant to subjugate all people under Islamic law."

[Well thanks for clearing that one up. I'm sure all of the non-violent Muslims in the world who don't appreciate being grouped with the fringe minority (equal to Olympic bomber Eric Rudolph being the representative for all Christians) will be glad to know that.]

"In the Quran, it says it very clearly. There are two spheres. One is the Dar al-Harb, which is the realm of war. The other is Dar al-Islam, which is that part that's under submission to Islam."

[Thanks for providing chapter and verse on your Qur'an quote, Pat. Now I can look that up for myself, huh? And wouldn't the opposite of war be peace? And doesn't Islam actually mean "peace"? Kind of like the translation of the word "Allah" is "God." Hmmmm...interesting.]

"There is no middle ground. You're either at war or you're under submission. Now, that's the way they think."

[Really? Thanks for your in-depth mental analysis of millions of people. ]

"Now, sure, over here, you've got Islam light and you've got all these various things, but the idea is we don't want just accommodation, we want to take over and we want to impose Sharia on you."

[Islam light? So in one sitting, Islam has gone from a religion to a political movement to a beer? And which version of Sharia law do they want to impose, Pat? The Sunni version? The Shia version? If you don't know that there is a difference, you're not alone - just ask the "planners" (if you could use that term) of the Iraq war.]

"And before long, ladies are going to be dressed in burqas and whatever garments they would put on them, and next thing you know, men are going to be allowed to have wife-beating and you'll be beheading adulterers and so on and so forth."

[Oh, like you wouldn't want to see a beheaded adulterer, Pat.]

"That's Saudi Arabia. We don't want that here in America. If they don't like it here in America, then let them go to Saudi Arabia, to Kuwait, to Yemen, to all those wonderful nations around the Middle East."

[Hope you all learned something today, folks, besides the fact that Pat Robertson is nuts.]

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