
What's the purpose of a headline?

Really, what's the purpose of a headline? Shouldn't it give the main part of the story, almost like a one-sentence overview? That's what one would think, anyway.

I got an email telling me about Alabama Senator Charles Bishop apologizing for the fight that took place on the floor of the Alabama Senate last week. The email said that Bishop was on the radio, and in true Alabama fashion, started his apology with something to the effect of, "Well, being raised in the woods...."

So, I go to Google to try to find some information on it, maybe a story about it, maybe a direct quote.

I searched for "Charles Bishop" under the "news" category. Couldn't find anything in regards to the email I received. So I searched for "Charles Bishop woods," and these are some of the headlines from the first page of the Google "news" category:

"Session ends with a bang" (Times Daily)
"Fili-busted: Senate comes to blows" (Tuscaloosa News)
"Bishop punches Barron in Senate Scuffle" (Tuscaloosa News)
"Ala. Lawmaker Punches Senate Colleague" (Philadelphia Daily News and Forbes)

...and what headline does Fox "News" choose to run?
The Associated Press one that simply says, "Republican Punches Democrat in Alabama." Of course, once you click on the story, the full headlines reads, "Republican Punches Democrat in Alabama Senate Chamber."

So while most news organizations are focusing on the fact that two Senators got in an actual fist fight on the Senate floor, Fox "News" picks the AP headline that basically says that a Republican punched a Democrat, which really, could happen just as easily in a bar on a late Friday night after Redneck Billy Bob's 3rd Keystone Light (not including the ones he drank in his truck on the way to the bar).

So just when you thought a story couldn't get more sensationalized, leave it to Fox "News" (with a little help from the AP).

But really, congrats to Alabama's legislature for making national news. We had been out of the spotlight for awhile anyway, and Jay Leno needed a few more jokes.

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