
Rush to judgement (pun intended)

I just wasted 10 minutes of my life that I will never get back.

Rush Limbaugh spent 10 minutes of his radio show (and I use 'show' very loosely) attacking Senator Barack Obama because of...........(I know, what could it be? must be serious right? scandal, maybe? something just off-the-wall crazy, right?).......smoking.

Apparently, Obama smokes. He has a vice, and somehow that makes Limbaugh think (and I use 'think' loosely) that someone will have to make smoking "cool" - which would go against the "liberal anti-smoking people"....blah blah blah, rant rant rant, spin spin lie.

What is really sad is the fact that in a day of page scandals, mistresses, weapons of mass destruction, outing CIA officers, hangings, surges and lobbyists, the only thing Limbaugh and his ilk can attack is smoking.

In a day where the current president has done cocaine in his lifetime, along with the keg-stands and driving drunk into some bushes (shrubbery, not other family members) before being elected (read: chosen by the Supreme Court in 2000), I think that smoking is pretty low on the list of offenses for elected office.

And who the hell is Rush Limbaugh to talk about a vice? Hey, Limbaugh, at least Obama's not out doctor-shopping for his fix.

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