
"So this is the new year....."

Figured I would use a line from Death Cab For Cutie's song "The New Year" to title this first post of 2007....why not, right?

Anyway, be sure to check out the Capital City Free Press for "Off the record with Joseph O. Patton (and Josh Carples): Resolutions for Everyone." We decided to collaborate on new years resolutions - not for ourselves - but for people like the President, Hillary, Bill O, the University of Alabama, Democrats, the Alabama Legislature, Governor Bob Riley, Mayor Bobby Bright and the City of Montgomery.

Also, my new article - "A new year, a new direction...maybe" is up. In it, I ponder the question, "So was Bush really on a "listening tour," or was he merely "doctor shopping?"

And we ended 2006 saying goodbye to President Gerald Ford, Godfather of Soul James Brown, and Dictator/Murderer/Tyrant Saddam Hussein....and in 2007, two funeral ceremonies and one hanging can be viewed online.

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