
McCain's on the campaign trail

This morning on NBC's Today show, Senator John McCain was asked by Matt Lauer about the agreement reached between the White House and Sens. McCain, John Warner and Lindsey Graham.

The White House has been wanting to "clarify" the Geneva Conventions, and by "clarify," they mean to "define it the way we [the Bush administration] want it defined." Keep in mind that no other country has sought to "clarify" the Geneva Conventions, specifically common article 3, which deals with prisoners of war and how they must be treated.

"Clarification" to the Bush administration seeks to define common article 3 in such a way as to allow certain "interrogation techniques" which most people have defined as "torture" or even "torture light."

McCain, Warner and Graham were the three Republican senators who actually stood up to the Bush administration against this, stating that redefining the Geneva Conventions to suit our whim would make it seem appropriate for other countries to redefine them for their own purposes - and that puts American troops in more danger. How could we speak out against a country who is not treating our POW's by the Geneva Conventions if we had redefined them for our own purposes?

Former Secretary of State General Colin Powell wrote a letter to McCain, in which he said, "The world is beginning to doubt the moral basis of our fight against terrorism."

As McCain was being interviewed by Matt Lauer this morning, he was saying that both he and the White House had won because of the compromise they reached, adding that the only people who did not get their way were people "like the ACLU" who doesn't want us to be able to interrogate prisoners at all.

That shows that McCain is already on the '08 campaign trail and has already resorted to lying. I have found no sources where the ACLU has ever said we should not interrogate prisoners or suspected terrorists. They have spoken out against torture and secret evidence issues regarding terror suspects, but they have never said, "You can't interrogate them."

Unfortunately, McCain has started his campaign out with false accusations and lies. You would think that as a former soldier and POW who was tortured in Vietnam, he would have morals to not only stand up against torture, but also against lying.

I guess not.

more info:
GOP split as Senate panel bucks Bush on terror tribunals

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