
Rush Limbaugh a hypocrite? No.......

If you haven't heard, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez referred to our President, George W. Bush, as 'the devil' in front of the United Nations last week. And Rush Limbaugh (among others) was so angry. Mad, I tell you, pissed off. He would never stoop so low....oh wait, yes he would.

Besides stooping to the level of referring to Chelsea Clinton as "the Clinton's dog" (when she was 13 years old - what a heartless bastard!) he referred to Democratic leader Tom Daschle as, you guessed it, "El Diablo" while playing "Devil in a Blue Dress" theme music.

Here's Limbaugh in July 2001: "Just yesterday, as Bush winged his way to Europe on a crucial mission to lead our allies into the 21st century...up pops 'El Diablo,' Tom Daschle, and his devilish deviltry, claiming that George Bush is incompetent."

So, if you haven't figured it out by now, Rush Limbaugh is a hypocritical bastard. But this isn't the first time. Remember when a prosecutor wanted to dig through his medical records and he claimed a 'right to privacy' after talking on his radio show about how the US Constitution does not guarantee a 'right to privacy'?

Seems to be the Limbaugh M.O.

more info:
What's Wrong With Calling Bush A Devil?

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