
When is the media going to stop giving George Allen a pass?

Senator George Allen (R-VA) is in the headlines again.

From the Associated Press (AP): "Dr. Ken Shelton, now a radiologist in Hendersonville, N.C., also alleges that Allen, a former University of Virginia quarterback, once stuffed the severed head of a deer into a black household's oversized mail box."

Allen "vehemently denied the allegations" in an AP interview.

Dr. Shelton's allegations were printed in an article published yesterday on Salon.com, which said that Allen frequently used racial slurs when referring to black people, and in one instance, stuffed the deer head into a black household's mailbox. Shelton claimed that this occurred soon after the movie "The Godfather" came out, which had a severed horse head in a bed.

The problem is that Allen has recently been in the news for using the term "macaca" to refer to one of his opponent's campaign workers (who is of Indian descent).

AP refers to the "macaca" incident, saying, "The word denotes a genus of monkeys and, in some cultures, is considered an ethnic slur, but the senator insists he did not know that and had simply made the word up."

"...made the word up."???

Media Matters For America noted that the word "macaca" has North African origins in its use as a racial slur, and that Allen's mother was born and raised in Tunisia, a part of North Africa.

Is it really that inconceivable that Allen had heard that word before? Or did he really just magically make up a word that is a racial slur? And when is the mainstream media going to quit giving him a pass by letting him repeat the fact that he made the word up?

more info:
Sen. Allen denies using racial slur
Media Matters For America article

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