
Bright brought out his "veto pen"

The 2007 budget for the City of Montgomery has officially been given the 'veto' by Mayor Bobby Bright.

1. Bright believes that discretionary funds that were added are illegal, and
2. He believes a public hearing should have been held before the discretionary funds were added.

Of course, the initial budget with $2 million in discretionary funds was approved by a 5-4 vote. If the same five vote the same way, they can override the mayor's veto.

Alvin Holmes has chimed in on this, writing a letter to the city council stating that an opinion by former Attorney General Jimmy Evans that a mayor cannot veto a budget except when it applies to city salaries.

But Janet May claims that she doesn't care because she doesn't "put a whole lot of credence into attorney general opinions," because as she understands it, "they issue quite a number of those."

You know who else issues a number of opinions? The Montgomery city council.

(Visit this post for a little more info on this subject.)

more info:
MA: Bright backs vow to veto city budget

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