
Why are we afraid of real news?

There is a war going on and sometimes it seems that all the American people want to see are Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes.

Our troops are being shot at, cities are being bombed, and while these are realities for some people as they try to live their day-to-day lives, it may disturb our dinner. Oh no, anything but that.

The reality is: war may cause indigestion.

When CNN aired footage of sniper attacks on Anderson Cooper 360, one hotel chain pulled CNN and CNN Headline News from their guest rooms and lobbies.

Stoney Creek Hospitality Corporation's president James Thompson says of the CNN footage, "It was shocking and repulsive...Their actions supported terrorism."

By showing the realities of war, CNN supported terrorism?! By giving you real news, CNN supports terrorism?

So here's the lesson: real news = the support of terrorism.

And we wonder why the rest of the world thinks Americans are so uninformed. Maybe it's because we are.

more info:
AP: Midwest hotel chain drops CNN over video

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