
Bush purse-snatching and Montgomery purse-snatching

You don't hear this everyday.

Barbara Bush - the twin, not the former first lady - had her purse snatched in Argentina. Yes, they do have bodyguards, and yes, the thief got away.

It is nice, however, to see one of the twins in the news for something other than being drunk off her ass.

And in other news, last night, the Montgomery City Council added approximately $2 million to the budget for the next fiscal year. The extra money was for "discretionary funds," so that each city council member can do "projects" in their districts.

"What projects" you may ask? No one knows. At this point, this is as much a mystery as the location of Barbara Bush's purse.

The vote passed by a margin of 5-4, and the mayor has not said whether or not he would use his "veto pen."

more info:
CNN: Bush daughter purse-snatching talk of Argentina
MA: Montgomery City Council passes budget

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