
Democrats take it all....Rumsfeld is gone....and more post election coverage

Democrats take it all!

So, Jim Webb wins in Virgina, meaning that Democrats, as of January, will control the House and the Senate. Hopefully, we will see some positive change. The President will now, for the first time, have to work with the other party.

One thing that struck me as strange this morning was on NBC's Today show. It showed Bush giving a speech in which he said he wasn't happy with the outcome of the election, but the Republicans lost and he was head of the Republicans.....what? Head of the Republicans...this is what we have been seeing. Bush has never considered himself a president for all Americans, just the president of the ones who voted for him. And honestly, I know many people who have felt the same way since he was chosen by the Supreme Court in 2000, but you would think a president would rise above that.....but then again, this is what is expected from Bush.

Rumsfeld is gone!

Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld is now former secretary of defense....or as Bush says, "secretary of the defense" because adding "the" in the title makes it sound less "elitist" or something like that.

Anyway, this comes after Bush said that Rummy would stay. Bush stood by his man even when retired generals and most recently, military newspaper editorials had called for his resignation. Does this mean that Bush is now listening? Maybe? Let's hope so.

Interestingly, this resignation comes just eight days after the Capital City Free Press published this article: 'Rumsfeld's skeleton in the closet.' Hhhhmmmmmmmmm.........

More Post Electon Coverage

The Capital City Free Press has published its post election coverage. Titled, "All over but the shoutin'" editor and publisher Joseph Patton weighs in, adding to yesterday's comments posted on joshcarples.com

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