
Bush: "If we leave Iraq, they will follow us home."

You have probably heard this statement by President Bush or one similar to it. "We either fight them there or fight them here." Etc.

In a special Newsweek report, Fareed Zakaria says of this,
"This makes no sense. Qaeda terrorists from Iraq could have made their way to America at any point in the last three years. In fact, Iraq's borders are more porous today than they have ever been. If a terrorist wanted to inflict harm on U.S. civilians, he could drive across Anbar into Syria, then hop a plane to New York or Washington, D.C. Does the president really believe that because we're in Iraq, terrorists have forgotten that we're also in America?"

Remember this when you hear the speeches.

The special report does give tips for the Iraq War. Definitely worth a read.

Newsweek: Rethinking Iraq: The Way Forward

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